Home / ANM/MPHW Admission Process

- This course was established in 1978
- Affiliated to the Christian Medical Association of India (CMAI) South Indian Board of Nurses league.
- The program is recognized by Indian Nursing council, New Delhi and registration is under Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives council, Chennai
- There is an annual intake of 30 students.
- Duration – 24 months – INC curriculum for ANM
- The minimum age for admission shall be 17 years on or before 31st December of the year.
- The maximum age for admission shall be 35 years.
- Student shall be medically fit.
- Students qualified in 10+2 Arts or Science examination conducted by State Board, National Institute of Open School or equivalent.
The application form and prospectus can be obtained on payment of Rs. 300/- by Cash / Online Payment from April 3rd on wards.
All candidates satisfying the above eligibility criteria and sent in application on time may attend interview on date mentioned in current prospectus bringing ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS
A preliminary rank list based on 12th Board exam marks is prepared
All the Eligible candidates are called for interview and have to undergo a written test as per the regulation of the Board of Nursing Education, CMAI S.I.B in English, Science, General knowledge and Maths, a general aptitude test and a personal interview.
Final rank list is prepared and seat is confirmed only after payment of fees by the stipulated date, and submitting the necessary original certificates.